8 Ways Your Driving Record Could Injure Your Future

In today’s over-scheduled world, any information that isn’t at your fingertips is out of sight, out of mind. So when you set down the mail, it’s easy to forget about that ticket you need to pay from when the motion-sensor camera caught you driving through a red light....

Car Insurance Rates Outpacing Home Insurance Rates in 2017

Oklahoma consumers are finally getting relief from skyrocketing home insurance quotes.  However, now our attention is turning to car insurance rates in Oklahoma.  What can consumers do in 2017 to find car insurance rates that are affordable?  1) Work with an...

Renewal Review: Norman, OK Home Insurance Quotes

When you have a home insurance policy, it’s easy to get complacent. You have your coverage and you’re used to paying your premiums. But being complacent isn’t good when it comes to your home insurance coverage. Failure to review yearly could mean...


Protect your personal assets from others by purchasing Liability Insurance!  #mostimportantcoverage


    Saving $$$ on your car insurance may be as simple as finding the company that really wants and values your business!