Immediate Accident Forgiveness

Auto insurance quotes in Oklahoma City are cheaper with Safeco’s Rewind program.  The rewind program provides immediate accident or ticket forgiveness to qualified drivers and the good news is that most drivers qualify.  We continue to have great success in...

Do I need separate rental car insurance?

Properly insuring a rental car can be confusing, frustrating and downright daunting. Unfortunately, many consumers do not even think about car rental insurance until they get to the counter, which can result in costly mistakes—either wasting money by purchasing...

Eight Auto Insurance Myths

March 1, 2011 When purchasing car insurance, it’s important to understand the factors that affect your car insurance premium rates and coverage. But how do you differentiate between truth and fiction? A good place to start is by dispelling some  common myths about...

Travelers Insurance Offers Oklahoman's Insurance "Value"

As an independent agent, we are constantly monitoring the “value proposition”offered by the different companies that we represent for home insurance and auto insurance in the Oklahoma City area.  For the most part, this “value proposition” is...

OKC Spotlght Article

Local Profile: Statewide Insurance Agency By admin · Wednesday,June6th,2012   Statewide Insurance Agency 405-285-2929 Together, Von and Cheryl Nix have more than 40 years of knowledge and experience in the insurance industry most of us grew up...

Auto Insurance Quotes Oklahoma City/Protecting Your Assets

Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability (BIPDL) coverage is, in my opinion, the most important coverage on your auto insurance policy. The limits that you purchase represent the amount of money that the insurance company will pay to someone else due to an accident...