Home Inventory

Why a Home Inventory Is Important For Every Oklahoma Homeowner Let’s try a little exercise: Can you list everything you own from memory? Didn’t think so. The fact is most homeowners own more things than they realize. It’s easy to remember the cars, the computer, the...

Does My Homeowners Liability Extend To My Farm?

Potential coverage for this situation varies from policy to policy so read your policy carefully. Many home insurance agents in Oklahoma give the wrong answer on this question. Most quality home insurance policies in Oklahoma will extend the Liability Coverage from...

Oklahoma Home Insurance – Special Limits of Liability

Homeowner insurance policies typically limit coverage for certain types of Personal Property.  Sometimes these limitations can be increased by paying  additional money and sometimes another policy can be purchased to provide more comprehensive coverage in that...

Homeowners Insurance Coverage Retaining Wall

It’s not unusual for homeowners to spend thousands of dollars erecting a retaining wall.  Most quality homeowner insurance policies are worded consistently on this issue.  A retaining wall is considered a Detached Structure and the maximum amount of coverage is...

Mercury Insurance Acknowledged

Mercury Insurance Group (NYSE: MCY) continues to advance it’s position as a stable, long term provider of home insurance and auto insurance to the Oklahoma City market.  For the most part, “value” is made up of price, quality coverage and good claim...