We are all looking for cheap home insurance in Oklahoma.  However, cheap can turn to costly very fast if the home insurance policy you purchase does not cover  Additional Living Expenses (ALE).

ALE are monies paid to you by the home insurance company to pay for additional living cost that you incur as a result of a home insurance loss.  The best example of this is the cost to rent or lease another house while your home is being repaired or while the insurance company is assessing your home’s damage that is covered by insurance.  

As you seek cheap home insurance in Oklahoma, remember to make certain that the quote you request contains ALE as an important part of your home insurance plan.  Below is a typical example of the wording that an Oklahoma home insurance company will use in order to provide ALE.  This particular contract wording is from Safeco Insurance Company.  Safeco is one of the companies that we count on to provide home insurance value in Oklahoma without compromising critical policy coverages.  

If a loss covered under this Section makes that part of the residence premises where you reside
uninhabitable we cover Additional Living Expense, meaning the necessary increase in living
expenses you incur so that your household can maintain its normal standard of living.