
We offer our customers some of the lowest rates on term life insurance in the industry and we only sell through companies that you can count on to be around 20 or 30 years from now.

What Is Term Life Insurance?
Term life insurance is life insurance that is intended to be kept for a limited amount of time, usually 10, 20, or 30 years. Term life insurance does not build any cash value. The price and the coverage are usually guaranteed not to change during the term that you have purchased. The longer the term that you choose, the higher the price will be.

Many term policies are convertible to a permanent plan of insurance without evidence of good health. This gives the option of being able to continue coverage beyond the original term period.

Our Sales Process
Please call my office for a 5-minute interview that includes health questions. Based upon this information, I will prepare several proposals showing different coverage amounts and different terms. I will then mail the proposals to you and follow-up with you in about a week to answer your questions. Or, if you prefer to review the proposals in person, we can certainly do that also.