Water Damage Prevention Tips

Even a small leak can become a major problem, so knowing what you’re covered for and how to prevent water damage are equally important.  The below tips should help uncover any potential water problems down the road and keep your property dry this summer. Check...


    Saving $$$ on your car insurance may be as simple as finding the company that really wants and values your business!

Appliance Hoses

Should You Be Worried???There’s a ticking time bomb in your Tulsa, Oklahoma house right now, waiting to strike when you least expect it. In fact, there might even be more than one. And each can cause thousands and thousands of dollars in damage.We here at Statewide...

Edmond Home Insurance Decreases With New Protection Class

This summer, several Edmond homeowners will see some pricing relief on their home insurance rates due to the diligent efforts of the City of Edmond and particularly the Edmond Fire Department.  The lower rates will result from revised Protection Class changes that...