by Von Nix | Jul 30, 2018
In today’s over-scheduled world, any information that isn’t at your fingertips is out of sight, out of mind. So when you set down the mail, it’s easy to forget about that ticket you need to pay from when the motion-sensor camera caught you driving through a red light.... by Von Nix | Jun 19, 2018
If you own your home in Oklahoma/OKC Metro, or if you’re in the process of buying your home then you’re aware of the importance of a homeowner’s insurance policy. But are you making sure that your homeowner’s insurance policy is saving you as much money as... by Von Nix | Jun 11, 2018
Think fast – your tax return from 2017, where is it? How about your grandmother’s diamond watch? Is it in a secure place? Having a home safe means that not only are important documents and valuables protected from fire and theft, but that you also know exactly where... by Von Nix | Oct 13, 2016
Make sure to check out and support the 2nd Annual REMAX Preferred Properties THINK PINK Cookout and Fundraiser on Facebook!! #NationalBreastCancerAwarenessMonth #EatDrinkandThinkPink Their website will have the most up-to-date list of live auction items, silent...