Car insurance is a necessary expense for drivers, but those premiums can really add up over time. The good news is there are a number of tactics you can use to reduce how much you pay for coverage. Consumer Reports recently examined ways consumers can potentially save...
What sets Statewide apart? Our agents are not only experienced, they are great at communication! First, they will find the best rates and coverages for your needs. And next, they will communicate with you however you prefer. You can call, email, or come into the...
Let Statewide make your home safe and secure. Our home insurance policies provide exceptional value, combining great prices with superior coverages. Experience lower cost and great coverage for your home insurance needs in Edmond, OK. When it comes to protecting your...
In times of economic stagnation and downturn, every financial decision matters. One choice that should never be considered lightly is allowing your insurance policy to lapse. Insurance serves as a safety net, protecting you from unforeseen events that can otherwise...
The insurance landscape is undergoing rapid changes, particularly within the realms of home and auto insurance. Regardless of your location, this transformation is impacting homeowners and drivers across the nation, with certain states like California, Florida,...
As a homeowner in Oklahoma, protecting your most valuable possessions is of utmost importance. While your standard home insurance policy provides essential coverage, certain high-value items may require additional protection. Home insurance riders, also known as...